What AAPI Month Means to Me

May is Asian American Pacific Islander (AAPI) Heritage Month, and it is dedicated to “paying tribute to the generations of Asian and Pacific Islanders who have enriched America’s history and are instrumental in its future success,” according to its official website.

To be frank, I had only heard of the AAPI Heritage Month last year, when there were multitudes of posts on social media detailing the purpose and importance of AAPI month. Back in May of 2020, Asian hate crimes were—and continue to be—on a rise, and this month is the perfect time to raise awareness about it. AAPI month really took on a new meaning for the Asian community as it marks a time for us to recognize how lucky we are to be Asian.

This month has given me an opportunity to reflect on my heritage and let me appreciate my relatives, culture, and traditions. I feel privileged to be able to eat dumplings, fish, and other yummy food on Chinese New Year, while spending time with my family and opening red envelopes. I always used to take my family’s traditions and ways of life for granted. Not everyone gets to speak a different language, smell the sweet aroma of rice and steamed vegetables for dinner, or travel across the world and visit their relatives. Munching on mooncakes during the Mid Autumn Festival, eating sweet rice balls at the Lantern Festival, and unwrapping bamboo leaves to see rice on the Dragon Boat Festival is something that I love, and I have only recently realized how lucky I am to experience these holidays and traditions.

If you do identify as an Asian American or Pacific Islander, I urge you to take the time to learn more about your culture, and fully appreciate your heritage. I also encourage you to learn more about AAPI heritage month and understand its importance and symbolism. Although AAPI heritage month is important, it will only act as a mere performative gesture if we do not reflect upon our own identities. Take the time to learn more about AAPI contributions. Educate yourself on the rich history of Asian Americans that has been overlooked in history textbooks and from media coverage. AAPI Month may just be the start of your journey to accept your true self.

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