
Addressing Anti-Asian Hate: A Perspective From the Community

These days, I wake up every morning to an influx of new infographics and reposts of racist incidents in my Instagram feed. The more Instagram stories I scroll through, the more overwhelmed I become. I am disappointed and frustrated, but I cannot say that I am surprised. Anti-Asian hate has been present well before the …

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What Are You?

“What are you?” This question has never, and will never be a new line. When you are a person of color, especially one of multiple cultural backgrounds, you spend much of life at least subconsciously working to be accepted in order to be successful, but also trying to avoid being easily categorized. When you are …

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Diwali: More Than A Thirty Minute Conversation in School

Festivals, celebrations, traditions…in other words, how people express their culture. In the Indian community, one of the most notable of these events and easily the most widely-known is Diwali, a religious festival lasting five days, commonly referred to as the festival of lights. It falls on slightly different dates every year, as it follows the …

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