If the Middle East could see America

“Ah, America! Land of opportunity, where anything and everything is possible!” Except, we hear the president is tearing such an ambitious dream apart…

Us, Muslims, are seen as terrorists? We provide America with oil and natural resources, and in return our people get called terrorists? That’s insane. Maybe they should consider the hundreds of school shooters each year — none of them being our people.

Wow — children have to split their time in between their parents’ homes?! That must be extremely tough and frustrating, not having both parent figures under the same roof. The rate of divorce in America is alarmingly high! To us, family is EVERYTHING. Without family, we have nothing; no matter how much money, estate, or friends we have, our families mean the absolute world, and without them, it would be nearly impossible to live a successful life in the Middle East.

These weddings in New York and California beaches look gorgeous … but how come they’re so small? And for such a short period of time too? Arabic weddings are out of this world, with over 700 people with music and dance all night long, over the course of several days too. Both immediate and extended family attends, often joined by every possible person.. and possibly every person the bride and groom has met with during their lifetime. Where is the color of these weddings? Everything is white!

Uhh.. how are Americans eating on the streets during May — it’s Ramadan! There are Muslims trying to fast, and all these people are doing is making this period of time so much more strenuous. In the Middle East, whether you are a Christian, Muslim, or follow any other religious faith, you must be considerate and avoid eating in public for as long as the sun is out — that is if you don’t want to be fined. It is important for everyone to remember and take into consideration the religion of the land they reside in, and the culture they are surrounded by.

Similar to Ramadan, Eid and the Islamic New Year bring family, friends, and loved ones together. It seems like Christmas, Easter, and the Christian New Year checks those boxes in America. They give gifts too, like us! Although love is not conveyed through materialistic value, we consider gifts to be sentimental and a sign of affection towards others, but more importantly, the thought behind the gifts is what matters.

Let’s see the food they eat during these special occasions … quite bland. Lack of spices — the absence of the most important part of our dishes. It would be interesting to see how Americans would feel about an Arabic style Christmas dish — too spicy, or extremely tasteful? Oh my .. is that snow? Even rain in the Middle East is quite the thrill, but snow?! That is nonexistent in the extensive Middle Eastern vocabulary.

It is quite difficult to imagine how an individual from our world would settle down in America without shock or adaptation. From a bubble as exclusive as ours, thrown into a completely contrasting one, it can be very difficult to integrate one’s roots and culture without incorporating the American mannerisms and ways of things — fusing the Middle Eastern bubble with the American flair to get the best of both worlds.”

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