Rise Up: Organizations At The Forefront Of The Fight

The recent rise in hate crimes has terrorized Asian communities across the country. One of the more recent deadly attacks was the horrific shooting in Atlanta on March 16, 2021, which resulted in the gruesome deaths of eight people, six of which were Asian women. Since then, many people have spoken up and acknowledged the xenophobic behavior that has corrupted the United States. Among these are New York mayoral candidate Andrew Yang and and Congressman Ted Lieu, actresses Lana Condor and Viola Davis, lawyer Meena Harris, and author Jenny Han.

People across the country have been impacted financially, physically, and emotionally by these events. Though these adversities have alienated the Asian community, many have risen up and created organizations and nonprofits to extend their support to their Asian American community.

One organization that speaks out against these injustices is Asian Americans Advancing Justice- Asian Law Caucus. It aims to promote, advance, and represent the civil rights of Asian Pacific Islander communities. They acknowledge the social, economic, political, racial inequalities these communities face and believe all individuals should have their civil rights be respected. This organization is accepting monetary donations to help those who have been affected by the recent violence as well as the pandemic overall. They are also accepting volunteer applications and applications for various job opportunities that can be found on their website.

Another organization is the Asian Prisoner Support Committee which provides support to Asian American Pacific Islander prisoners. Their goal is to raise awareness about the increasing number of API\’s being imprisoned, detained, and deported on a daily basis. They have led programs in prisons, organized campaigns, developed culturally relevant reentry programs to help those who have been incarcerated. This is an all-volunteer organization and has a list of programs, resources, and ways to get involved on their website.

The Asian American Legal Defense and Education Fund (AALDEF) is a New York-based organization that promotes and protects the civil rights of Asian Americans. It combines litigation, advocacy, education, and organizing to combat a variety of issues regarding xenophobia. Some of these issues include immigration rights, economic justice for workers, the end of anti-Asian violence, and police misconduct. The AALDEF works with Asian Americans across the country and creates programs that surround each issue. Similar to the aforementioned organizations, they are accepting donations and volunteer applications.

Stop AAPI Hate was created in response to the hate crimes following the COVID-19 pandemic. It tracks and responds to hate incidents, violence, harassment, discrimination, etc., and provides resources to help those who have been mistreated. On their website, one can report an incident, read recent news regarding these issues, and donate to their cause.

Finally, The Action Network is an organization that has started a petition to \”Stop the Racial Profiling of Asian Americans and Asian Immigrants and End the Justice Department’s \’China Initiative\’”. The hate crimes that are being committed now have been connected to a long history of the criminalization of Asian immigrants. This petition aims to stop the racial profiling of Asian immigrants and helps create a more inclusive society.

The horrific hate crimes that have left a damaging impact can be difficult to comprehend and may spark confusion, anger, and sadness. Some may have trouble navigating through school, work, and family life. Lai Chien is a Chinese-Vietnamese American who has a Masters of Art in therapy. She hopes to reduce the stigma around mental health and help her clients grow. She can be reached through her Instagram, @laichientherapy, or her website. Another resource is the Asian Mental Health Collective, an organization whose mission is to normalize mental health in the Asian community. They have many resources and programs on their website along with chapters in four locations in the United States.

Books can also be a unique way to learn about the experiences of Asian Americans. A popular book taught in most high schools is The Joy Luck Club by Amy Tan which tells the story of four Chinese American families in San Francisco who form a club called the Joy Luck Club. Another book that was released last year is Not Your Yellow Fantasy by Giboom Park that discusses the stereotypes and racial fetishization of Asian Americans. Lastly, Minor Feelings: An Asian American Reckoning by Cathy Park Hong is an autobiographical book that stimulates racial awareness through her personal stories and cultural criticisms.

The past year has brought attention to many injustices that Asian Americans have endured long before the recent media attention. Please consider donating to an organization or signing a petition to combat anti-Asian hate crimes, as racism and xenophobia have been a long-persisting issue that will continue to take the lives of innocent Asian Americans if no action is taken to fight against it.

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